Thursday, December 30, 2010

Excuses and a Resolution

It's been over two years since I posted. Bump in the road came when I was diagnosed with the same lung disease that killed my brother a few years earlier. Went into a tailspin but have maintained most of my lung function. Still working on novel(s) but frustrated with progress. Have decided that illness is no excuse for not writing. I can surf the internet for hours at a time, have become addicted to Twitter (you can see my tweets at "NCWriter"). I could be expending the same amount of energy writing again.
Therefore, my New Year's resolution is to get back to work.

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Saturday, August 16, 2008

Where is Music Row?

The start of a journey -- Looking for Music Row -- a title chosen because I was asked so many times in Nashville, "where is Music Row?"

There is no street in Music City named Music Row. It's a small section of the city of Nashville, Tennessee, four blocks wide and seven blocks long. It's probably spread out further that that now, although Sixteenth and Seventeenth Avenue are still the center.

I actually had an office for years in the very center of that area -- Music Square South. Don't look for that on the map. Most show it as Grand. Don't look for streets named Sixteenth or Seventeenth either. They are officially Music Square East and Music Square West. Only no one of the Row (which, as I said, doesn't really exist) knows them by those names. Could this possibly be why the thousands who come to Nashville every year hoping to make it in music can't find Music Row?

My co-writer and I wrote for publications as Brooks Johnson, a combination of our names. She also wrote as "Jeannie J." Together we published a weekly newsletter on the music industry for years. We hope to capture the magic of that time in a series of books based in that small neighborhood called Music Row. We hope you'll join us on our quest "Looking for Music Row."

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